October 2020 Minutes

‘Special’ Careby, Aunby and Holywell Parish Meeting 
Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 14th October 2020 at 17.00hrs at Careby Village Hall


Barbara Cooper (Chair - BC)
David Cooper (Treasurer - DC)
Janet Davies (Committee Member- JD)
Chris Isaac (Committee Member - CI)

Also in Attendance: Robin Rogers, Margaret Creasey, (carer Jane Clark), Mark Davies
Total in Attendance - 7

BC welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked all those present for attending. She mentioned that the village drains had been cleared and the verge gates erected.

1.     Apologies for Absence: 

Bob Adams - District Councillor, Judith Rogers, Teresa Jude, Jo West, David Bryant, Sue Bryant

2.     Minutes of the Last Meeting held on 14th November 2019: 

These were circulated to the Parish prior to the meeting. 

All agreed the minutes were an accurate record of the meeting. 
3.     Parish Accounts Exemption Certificate.

This has been held over from May 2020 until now because of the Covid 19 Lockdown.

The gross income was £603 and expenditure £746 for account ending 31 March 2020. Because these figures do not exceed £25000 a Certificate of Exemption is to be returned to the external auditor.

Proposer Christopher Isaac, seconded by Margaret Creasey. All voted in favour.
4.     Annual Internal Audit Report:

Grateful thanks were offered to Robin Rogers who kindly audited the Parish Meeting Accounts. The Annual Governance Statement was proposed as correct by Chris Isaac and seconded by Janet Davies. All agreed.

5.    Financial Report (DC): 
DC explained the report as below, (submitted via email to residents) detailing receipts, gross income £603 and expenditure total of £746 

Summary Receipts and Payments for Year Commencing 1st April 2020

  As at April 1st 2020
Precept 700.00
Interest 1.83
Sub-total 701.83
Insurance 357.61
Paint & Brushes for Gates 57.50
Emergency Telephone System 120.00
6Ft Posts for Gates 63.84
Washers & Nuts 10.17
Coach Bolts and Nuts 10.68
8 Postcrete Bags for gates 52.03
Total so far 671.83
One off expenditure 2020 – Erection of Gates, Posts, Bolts and cement 194.22
Float 30.00
Expenditure shown at 06 Oct 2020 671.83
Balance of funds in March     2018 £4459.25
Balance of funds in March     2019 £3672.86
Balance of funds in Nov        2019 £3653.88
Balance of funds in March     2020 £3529.00

6..    Parish Precept:

The precept was proposed to remain the same as in 2019 at £700. DC proposed the precept remain the same. This was also proposed by Chris Isaac and seconded by Janet Davies. All agreed.

Meeting Closed at 17.25


Chairman’s report below


14 October 2020

Circulated by email before the meeting

I would like to offer my thanks to all those of you who have assisted and encouraged me in these challenging times and particularly Councillor Bob Adams who has been so helpful when asked for advice. 

I am also immensely grateful for help with the weekly mowing of verges and the island to enhance the safety and appearance of Careby, thank you so much, Stuart, Janet and Mark. Janet and Jo and Mark have also painted the verge gates so that drivers may realise they are actually entering a village.... thank you, and to Ian Creasey and Chris Isaac for helping Dave Cooper erect and secure the gates into place. And again, thank you Ian for cutting the hedges alongside the village hall towards the Defibrillator Box.

Thank you to Dave for monitoring the defibrillator on a monthly basis, checking the equipment, the batteries and lighting and replacing where necessary, along with all the other village commitments he undertakes for the community.

The reported potholes at the junction of Clipsham Road at Holywell were fixed promptly by Lincolnshire Highways and the deep collapsed section of road near Agatha’s Clump past Holywell, caused by badgers burrowing under the road, is also now finally safe and secure. 

If I have missed any potholes, anyone can go to fixmystreet, so please put in a postcode and report them yourselves. A photo attached is also useful. It’s easy.

My litter-picking – assisted by my dog who loves to pounce and carry cans and plastic bottles, continues on a daily basis around the parish and the modest payment for this work is paid by SKDC into the Village Hall account.

Careby has twice been visited by SKDC Green Team and they did an excellent job clearing the huge amount of moss from the footpath at the lower end of the village.